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arnold rothstein death

arnold rothstein death. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • br0adband
    Nov 7, 04:04 AM
    To be honest, I've had more application crashes and restarts on OSX than I have under XP/Windows in the past 3 years. So much for "crash resistant" - and yes, I've had 4 kernel panics since I got this iMac home; that's more than the number of BSODs I've had under XP in 4 years.

    Which means -- as everyone is saying -- that there is something wrong with your computer. I have a MacBook, two Intel iMacs, and a Mac Pro in my house, and they do not crash despite heavy daily use. My poor Mac Pro is running three different operating systems right now using Parallels, with nary a complaint. If you are getting unexplained kernel panics on a clean install of Mac OS X, then you have a hardware problem.

    Hardware problems can affect any OS -- I've seen Windows systems that get daily BSODs. It's not because "Windows sucks", it's because there was a sub-par memory chip or somesuch in the system. Likewise Mac OS X crashes, when nobody else is experiencing a problem, are not an indication of the stability of the OS but rather of your hardware.

    You're quoting me back to me when all of us (including me) were talking about that other guy that is having hardware problems because his Parallels "sucks." Parallels kicks ass on my C2D 20" iMac - hence the reason I piped up to be the first to say something is wrong with the other guy's machine if he can't get it working right.

    On mine, which is stock hardware except for the 2GB of RAM I have in it, Parallels starts up in 4 seconds, boots my XP VM in 9-10, shuts down in 3-4, restarts the same VM in under 5 seconds (have yet to figure that one out, probably because of caching someplace; I don't even see the XP splash screen when it reboots/restarts because it's so fast), suspends in 22-25 seconds, resumes in 30-34, and I have no issues with any hardware at all in my XP VM. I even burn CDs and DVDs from the XP VM over FireWire/USB without hassles (Plextor FireWire/USB external).

    So, on a similarly configured piece of hardware, if he's having suspend/resume times that seem to be 4-6x longer than others then, as you said, there is something wrong with the hardware. If none of the rest of us are having said issues, your line of logic would follow and apply to his machine since he's the only one reporting such ridiculously long suspend/resume times among other things.

    Parallels works for me. Since I can't post specific benchmark data for Parallels and that other new-on-the-scene virtualization software for Macs <hint, hint> I'll just say this:

    I completed the testing I said I was going to do, and Parallels simply lays the smackdown across that other software. And yes I'm well aware that other software is in beta - or pre-beta late alpha as one person put it - and that's fine. But I paid for Parallels, and to use that most famous line about Macs:

    It just works.

    Oh yeah, it beats that other software even with multi-core CPU support enabled. Go figure.


    Parallels sucks but until now its been the only REAL game in town.

    Ah... the clarion call of lamers. Might as well bash Windows since it's so pervasive while you're at it. And it's still no excuse for stealing the software and breaking the faith. Bleh...

    arnold rothstein death. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • Bfat567
    Nov 6, 12:08 AM
    I'd like some speakers/subs for the Lincoln and possibly a new exhaust too. :D

    I fully support the bump, but there are wayyyyy better choices out there for your money than the Mtx Terminator series.

    arnold rothstein death. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • ezekielrage_99
    May 3, 08:08 AM
    Sorry not to add trollbait here but here's my main issues:

    1) Though they are using current AMD/ATi 512MB is pretty weak... Though 2GB BTO is a good thing.

    2) Was hoping for more than 16GB support...

    3) <rant>The Aussie store is getting screwed again, we are 10% over parity and paying 20% more than the US store, even with import duty Aussies are paying too much IMHO </rant>

    Oh well may wait till next year, for the next iMac bump and Lion...

    arnold rothstein death. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • MartiNZ
    Mar 31, 02:31 PM
    Not sure if it has been said, but, changes for iChat - any chance of proper MSN support? I never got the jabber workaround to work reliably for long, but it would be sooo nice to be able to use the built-in app, just like when they finally did Exchange support in Mail. I can dream.


    arnold rothstein death. %IMG_DESC_5%
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  • allpar
    Apr 29, 03:01 PM
    Remember when tiered pricing was announced, Steve said more songs would be available for $.69 than $1.29...I have yet to see a $.69 song.

    I've seen numerous $0.69 songs. If you're always looking at brand new stuff you may not see them.

    arnold rothstein death. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • lharvest
    Apr 6, 11:47 AM
    Shot out of the window on a recent trip back from Pittsburgh. I was a bored passenger and decided to experiment a little. Came across a stretch of trees and thought a longer exposure would make an interesting photo. It's fairly drab, but I like the earthy tones it exhibits. Reminds me of some abstract art I've seen.


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  • sennekuyl
    Apr 29, 02:17 AM
    This is why Android phones are creeping up on iOS...they are offering more features and constant innovation in the hardware. iPhone users (and I used to be one) only enjoy hardware innovation once a year.

    Maybe we will see an LTE iPhone in 2012, maybe not but I can say with all the certainty in the world that Android will have kick ass dual core LTE phones with large screens and probably something retina like in resolution by then. I wouldn't be surprised to see 12 MP cameras, 2-3 MP front cameras all running Android 2.4 Ice Cream Sandwich.

    Where? Not is Oz. the HTC Desire is the last android that actually seemed to be worth buying. The desire HD is okay, but not that good. (plus it doesn't come on the Telstra's stupid NextG network.)

    Most android phones seem to get the reviews: could do better. As far as I can tell, virtually all are regarded at best as just sub-par to the iPhone 4, except the Desire which is even older.

    It pains me as I'd prefer a OSS base over proprietary, and both the HTC Desire & iphone4 seem to be reaching the end of their cycle. Then there is the reluctance of networks to upgrade the software, and the strange lack of syncing with anything other than official supported systems. Possible, but just too hard with plenty of caveats.

    arnold rothstein death. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • daneoni
    Jan 30, 03:37 PM



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  • Eudall
    Apr 29, 07:18 PM
    The rumor that was release about lion and possible indications of buttons on applications giving my claim more truth.:D two points!:apple:
    Sorry that not makes the sense to me; also Steve said they looked at desktop touch screens and they suck, I highly doubt that the new iMac will ship with touch screens; it would be crazy, especially on a 27 inch display.

    arnold rothstein death. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • gotohamish
    Apr 26, 11:28 AM
    You don't need to keep taking computers back you know. You could try and be happy with what you already own. Also why did you buy it if you knew there were new ones on the horizon anyway?

    Also, if one were to buy a Mac within two weeks prior to a new model you're entitled to just take it back for the new model, or at least that's how it used to work.


    arnold rothstein death. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • kirk26
    Apr 14, 02:44 PM
    I'm noticing a little quicker general UI navigation, but the third party apps still don't show their launch animation unless opened first, exited, and then launched again. Only once loaded into the memory can you go from app to home screen to app and see the full animation.

    Yet, oddly, Apple's stock apps are entirely unaffected.

    Don't know what you mean by launch animation. Be gentle.


    I opened Sirus, exited, opened FIFA 11, exited, went into Sirus again with no lag time. Is that what you are talking about?

    arnold rothstein death. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • newrigel
    Jul 14, 09:30 AM
    Before this comes out, Apple is going to have to let consumers know that they make the iPod. Not Microsoft.

    Some people may think it's the new iPod, judging by the picture on engadget, and this thread/article posted earlier (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=191119) saying that most people don't know the iPod is made by Apple.

    If people think this 'Micropod' is the new iPod it could be over for Apple, unless they release something at the same time.

    BTW, about the picture posted on engadget, the buttons look '3G iPodish'. Maybe Microsoft is going to try and play catch up with MP3 players now :p edit: missed bcharna's post
    OK, and were not on planet earth hehe... If people are that stupid then the worlds definitely gone for sure!
    C'mon, apple will adhere to wireless USB technology and you can have your WIFI... could you imagine how long it will take to get high def audio files into it? I listen to 16 bit AIFF's @ 48 Khz and they are big files, this would take forever on a WIFI protocol. This is for the kids man!


    arnold rothstein death. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • Wozza2010
    Apr 14, 05:22 PM
    Exactly - when I got my iphone 4 I couldn't believe how smooth/fluid it all was. I just wasn't used to it having only used windoze products where stuttering and lag is quite common.

    Up to version 4.2.1 the iphone 4 was very smooth, with 4.3.x some of that feel has been lost.

    Same thing happened on iPad going from os 3 to os 4.

    The smooth feel was lost forever.

    arnold rothstein death. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • Kaibelf
    Apr 13, 08:11 PM
    Between this and the Commodore 64 coming back with a Blu-Ray player attached, I couldn't be more bored of this summer's big news already. ;)


    arnold rothstein death. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • milbournosphere
    Apr 28, 05:09 PM
    This is one of those threads that enforces the Apple fanboi stereotype. It's 1mm. That's it. Steve Jobs is not out to kill your children anymore than he is to fleece you on your white iPhone purchase, and the typical person won't even notice anyway. Can we all move along now?

    arnold rothstein death. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • Mustafa Monde
    Dec 1, 04:25 PM
    iAdware is an ugly development to-be-sure, but not a big an scary one. As most Mac users know, proof of concept is not the same as actually having this kind of thing happen in the wild.

    Still, Apple should take this seriously and anticipate similar developments in the coming months. If something like this does take off, it'll likely be through spoofing type sites and so on. For now I'm not going to loose any sleep over this and trust that Apple, as it angles itself-towards dominance in the marketplace, won't make the same blunders MS did with their buggy OS.

    Apple knows that MS has them in their sights and any slip would be exploited. You can just see them shouting from the rooftops, "My Gawd, Apple has viruses, malware and adware!" as if that paralleled the umpteen thousands of virus developed to exploit their own sub-par software.

    I suspect it's being looked into now by Apple's security team with an update to emerge long before this pup is found in the wild.


    arnold rothstein death. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • kevin.rivers
    Jul 25, 05:26 PM
    "Readers should realize that while Apple continues to publish patents on technologies that never make it into shipping products, the concepts described in this patent were referenced by Hon Hai chairman Terry Gou in June 2006:"

    What other patents does apple have in which they didn't make the product?

    Probably millions.

    arnold rothstein death. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • Glideslope
    Apr 28, 07:38 PM
    The iPhones kind of look like oreos from those views.

    The new ones with the chocolate covering on top of filling and one wafer are to kill for. :apple:

    arnold rothstein death. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • Chundles
    Jul 25, 10:26 AM
    Anyone want to comment on the images I posted higher up on this page? Hopefully the regular Mighty Mouse will be getting the zoom functionality etc with an update to the MM drivers.

    Jul 26, 11:56 AM
    If you look at the illustrations, this is far larger than an iPod screen, especially for two handed control as depicted. Not that the tech can't be used for an iPod, but my guess this is going to be a tablet-like device positioned somewhere between the iPod and iMac. Steve Jobs and Apple have stated before that the Intel deal lets them envision a whole range of products not out there, especially fast chips that use less power. Also, macsimimumnews has revealed a trademark filing for a "doPod" that seems to suggest an iPod on steroids.

    I believe this is a companion device that's not quite a full mac, but more functionality than an iPod, and be sized somewhere in between. At home, it could connect to your network and control your music through AirPort Express, or movies on FrontRow through your TV. Or you can take it with you and watch movies, check email, or read books (tying in the Engadget rumor on books). To keep the price point reasonable, I imagine it will be mostly a "player" rather than running full-fledged apps, but something like e-mail could be possible with the touch screen.

    I'm guessing that the touchless interface could be a major part of Leopard and point to a new breed of hardware and form factors that Steve J and Apple have been hinting at.

    Sep 12, 09:50 PM

    Couldn't find my old copy of the first game and been wanting a time-waster so I splurged and spent $5 on it in the discount bin. Get to play the sequels now too!

    Wat? :confused: $5????!!

    That is by far my fav gaming franchise.

    Mar 16, 10:34 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Well I got to irvine way late. Walked up and the person in front of me got the last ticket. They seemed to have less than 50-70units as that how many people seemed to be in line.

    Mission Viejo? Or just wait?

    Apr 14, 03:01 PM
    Things seem to be smoother with my VZ iPhone 4 opening and closing programs. I always though my iPTouch 4G was snappier than my VZ iPhone but I think they are on par with each other now. This probably has nothing to do with it, but I just did a speedtest and I have yet to ever hit those numbers until now. I was averaging anywhere from 650-1200kbps and sometimes 1500kbps on rare occasions.

    (Picture will resize if it is huge. I apologize. It just takes a little bit of time for Photobucket to catch up.)

    Nov 4, 01:19 AM
    Whatever dude. 2Ghz\2GB RAM\256MB Video\160GB HD and there is NOTHING instantaneous about Parallels at all. It takes anywhere from 1-2 minutes to resume a session and another 2+ minutes to suspend it. This is with multiple images, several OS X installs, and I know how to tweak Windows with the best of them.

    Sounds like you're not talking about Parallels starting up, but a virtual machine either resuming or starting up from scratch. For me WinXP starts in about 15 seconds on a 2.16Ghz 2GB RAM or about 2 minutes if resuming. But that has NOTHING to do with Cocoa, QT, Carbon or what not. The difference between those frameworks in speed is in milliseconds and would have nothing to do with the above. Those would have everything to do with file writing to disk.

    I can say that when Parallels has its VM Flags set to VM Cache as the primary caching logic, its disk speed is near native, but OS X apps slow down dramatically. Change that to Mac OS X primary caching logic and the VM's disk access slows down noticeably, but not horribly.

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