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brad pitt movies 2009

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  • ayeying
    Oct 18, 08:23 PM
    are you really folding on an air?

    Yes. It's a great machine and very capable. I don't experience any overheating issues or such. However, at night, when I'm asleep, I run it on a cooling pad in the kitchen for those "just-in-case" moments. However, during the day, I just run it without the cooling pad since it's pretty loud.

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  • macshark
    Oct 23, 12:16 PM
    If Microsoft makes it more difficult for Mac/Linux users to run virtual copies of Vista, maybe Vise will be developed faster than Wine...

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  • Reach9
    Apr 22, 05:59 PM
    Also, remember when everyone thought the leaked iPhone 4 was really ugly and there was no way it was real. Exactly...


    To everyone else here.. it's a mock-up, which means it's not real. I think we all know Apple wouldn't release one that looks like the mock-up.

    Regarding the OP. I'm loving the idea of a redesign, and larger screen. As i said before, iPhone 5 is a top secret in Apple Inc. and i think we'll be surprised when it's released.

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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 22, 12:07 PM
    4. Per Bash, i never said it wasnt part of GPL/GNU - it is - I agree.

    Look, I'll just ignore you. Your knowledge of all of this is lacking and now you're backtracking. To answer that specific point. Yes, you did say Bash wasn't part of the GNU licensing, quite clearly showing you have no understanding of the situation :

    Bash is under the GPL license - not GNU. Never has been GNU


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  • Idol
    Mar 31, 03:05 PM
    Most people with a mac also have ios devices, why not make it a bit more consistant?

    Because it's INSANELY UGLY! That's why!!!

    Is Steve even running the company anymore???? I mean... I know he's leaving the day to day stuff with others... But it looks like he's just gone.

    The phrase Hell in a handbasket come to mind... Not really, but still.

    OMG!!!! It's Fugly!

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  • SMM
    Dec 1, 06:48 PM
    Apple really really needs to get on this... As far as some Script Kiddie wanting to make a name for themself the mass of mac users would need to be higher. There are still currently not enough mac users to warrent such acts, you would not get notice. I feel that a lot of coders find holes in XP because then they can exploit big business, were as macs are more often than not home computers. If apple its athe big 10% mark this will all change.

    How do you know they are not on it? You don't right? The source of these reports is the people who want to sell you their security software. They capitalize on our fear. The author notes he spent most of his time on Mac and Linux. Very little time was spent on Windows/Vista. Well, that makes sense if you are trying to sell software. Everyone already installs it on Windows. No sales opportunities there. So, go scare yourself a new market with the people who do not need it. It even works better if you can create some mistrust amongst the user base. Just plant the seeds of doubt the manufacturers are unwilling, or unable to protect them. You are their savior.

    I do not have a Pollyanna view on this. I have no doubts that threats exist and an aggressive, on-going effort is crucial. But, the real solution is to fight this crime with the seriousness it deserves. That means mandatory prison sentences, equal liability for facilitation and for profiteering, etc.


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  • super-cool
    Aug 19, 03:44 AM
    What is with all the pop up warning on safari. Warning you have tabs open do you want to quit? Warning, you have text if field do you want to quit? You know what? I don't press apple-q on accident, in fact I'd say you'd have to do that on purpose. All these pop-up and confirms, well I fear it's become more windows like if you will. Pretty soon no one will read the things. I sure hope you can turn the things off, or hope they change it.

    For those who remember, when apple had an early release or beta of OS X, they put the apple logo right in the middle of the top bar, not to mention it did nothing and was completely non functional. Glad they didn't go with that. I'm hoping they do away with these confirm buttons

    Can't an OS be simple to use anymore?

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  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 28, 03:51 PM
    They look the same to me in the picture. The white one is tipped slightly so that you see the front face surface a little. I think this makes the difference in appearance.


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  • appie57
    Apr 11, 04:24 PM
    http://idisk.me.com/appie57/Public/Photos/Hoekse Waard 008.jpg

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  • VirtualRain
    Apr 7, 01:00 PM


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  • E.Lizardo
    Apr 13, 06:27 PM
    This is a false rumor. Absolutely no way will this happen.

    First of all Google failed with their TV.

    Second of all, it is much better to have the components separate. You can more easily pass the audio to a home entertainment system for surround sound. With a component built into the TV, you have cables going back in the other direction to the receiver. If audio and video both take the same path there is less change of them getting out of sync.

    I thought it was unlikely too,but after reading this thread,with multitudes of people flatly stating it will never happen,I'm leaning much more toward them actually making a television.

    The amount of certainty with which you make a prediction is inversely proportional to it's likelihood of being accurate.

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  • paulrbeers
    Apr 14, 12:48 PM
    Are people firing up their lawyers because Apple does not update their iPhone 3G that came with iOS 3 when they bought it in june 2010 ? Doesn't the licence flyer in the box say Apple will supply the current iOS version +1 ?

    Yeahhhh... iPhone 4 came out in 2010. The 3G came out in June of 2008 and ran until June of 2009. Any purchases after June of 2009 was as the "cheap" last years iPhone model just like the 3GS. And since iOS did originally come on the device as 2.0 and then released updates until 4.2, that's more than covering their agreement of iOS +1.


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  • AppleInLVX
    Apr 26, 12:08 PM
    Apple charging for a service that should be free with the hardware? Inconceivable!

    I'll stick with my local storage, thanks. If you want to do me a favour, Steve, give me my calendar, contacts and email for nothing. Or don't. Google does, and I've been quite content so far.

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  • icrew
    Oct 24, 07:50 AM
    For me, the biggest news is the 3GB of RAM and 200GB of disk that's available now--frankly the 2GB in my MBP-CD (Core Duo--how are we going to distinguish them now?) is a bit anemic, especially for running Parallels and PowerPC apps simultaneously.

    (At least I'll finally get my boss to order one, so I can play with one of the new ones....)

    Edit: Can't seem to add the new 15 to my shopping cart from the edu (College/University Proposal) store--just get:
    "Your session has timed out after a period of inactivity. Please return to the Store Menu to continue shopping." I can add other items to the cart from that store, so it's just something that's screwed up. Sigh. Guess I should just go back to bed and wait awhile!



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  • Frosticus
    May 3, 07:45 AM
    Anyone got UK prices yet? Page errors when I click the "Select an iMac" button on the store..

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  • epictempo
    Apr 24, 08:29 AM
    Competition keeps the prices lowish, but not as low as the junk android handsets and Apple sells unlocked iPhones at full price for those of us with cheap SIM-only plans.

    Completely agree, I'm thinking that Apple could single-handedly save Tmo with an iPhone offering just to fuel competition. Android=junk is true, wish I hadn't listened to a few members on here saying how the android system is better for phones. Bought a highly righted android and never the more regretted having got rid of my beloved iP4.


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  • digitalbiker
    Jul 11, 12:58 AM
    Apple never intended for iWork to compete with MS Office. Apple merely wanted to fill a niche for those AppleWorks users who didn't need a full blown behemoth Office Suite like MS Office.

    It is only the die-hard Apple users that detest MS Office who are suggesting that iWork is a replacement for MS Office.

    I have been using Pages and Keynote since Day One. Pages One was almost worthless in my book. Apple should have given away Pages v2 to those who suffered through version 1. Keynote was interesting and useful from version one but still lags significantly behind PowerPoint.

    Both Pages 2 and Keynote now make a nice little package at $79.00 for those users who don't need to work in an MS Office environment and don't need all of the revision, collaboration, and integration tools of MS Office.

    But come on, let's get real. iWork doesn't really come close to what is offered by a professional business suite like MS Office. It's like saying, Photshop Elements is a replacement for Creative Suite 2.:eek:

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  • ComputersaysNo
    Dec 31, 01:44 AM
    I don't have a dog in this fight, but the question that runs through my mind is: if it's so easy, why do people struggle with it? Why are there entire industries built around people that struggle with losing weight on their own?

    What a lot of people don't know, is that sugar is addictive. It goes the same for coffee and sigarettes. If you need coffee or sigarettes everyday to keep you going, that means you are addicted to caffeine or nicotine. If you are craving for sweets... that means your pancreas is having a hard time keeping your bloodsugarlevel in balance.

    If you eat sugar, your bloodsugarlevel shoots up, and your pancreas reacts in a slow motion momentum by producing insuline to cope with that. So even when the sugar is already out of your blood, your pancreas is still producing insuline to cope with the enormous level of sugar earlier. As sugar is wearing out your pancreas, that slow motion momentum is becoming slower and slower over time.

    ...And that's when the addiction kicks in... as your insulinelevel is still sky high, due to the earlier high levels of sugar, that triggers some other system in your body to level out the insuline... and that is the need for sugar.

    So all in all, your bloodsugarlevels & insuline are in a downwards spiral, triggering eachother...

    A lot of people don't even know how depend they are on sugar, but you should really try it for yourself. Try not to eat any sugar (soda's, candy etc) for two weeks. You will probably start to notice that the first week you'll become aggrevated pretty easy... moodswings. You see the same with junkies trying to score.

    The good part is that you will sleep better, lose weight, sweat less and overall will be a happier person, less depressed. AND you'll probably won't develope diabetes. Diabetes is a worn out pancreas. (there are different types of diabetes, i know but it all comes down to the balance of sugar & insuline in your blood)

    Addicted to sugar comes with all the side-effects that addiction has: moodswings, denial of habit, cold turkey, aggression. But in the end, you will get & feel better, once you have accepted that you are controlled by sugar.

    You do however need a little sugar for the transportation of oxygen in your blood, but a normal eating patern will provide plenty. Diabetes patients sometimes have to get some bodyparts amputated due to the lack of oxygen that the blood is not capable of transporting anymore to the very ends of the bloodvessels. (google some pictures diabetes+amputation that will make you reconsider your soda & candy addiction)

    As for eating loads and loads of food: Your stomach is very flexible and can stretch a lot. Filling up your stomach every day, stretches it further and further. With that, the trigger from your stomach to your brain that says - I am full - slows down in the same rate. Getting the stomach back in the right proportion takes a few days.

    If you eat heavily, you'll notice that the next day you get hungrier earlier than the day before. That is that stomach that is still stretched out, and that signal to your brain that hasn't arived yet because your stomach is stretched and thus not full. Everybody knows that after being sick for a few days, you won't eat as much as before. You start with something small. That means your stomach finally had the chance to get back in normal proportion.

    The signal - full- from stomach to brain takes about 10~20 minutes. That time is the reason people overeat or feel bloated after a heavy dinner. You where stuffing yourself even when you where already full for the last 10~20 minutes of your meal.

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  • kalsta
    Apr 15, 09:57 AM
    Dude,,...... you didn't get rid of the chin....
    You can't mention iMac around here without someone saying.
    I hope they get rid of the chin. :rolleyes::D

    True enough. But if there was no chin, I may as well have drawn an iPad on a stick, and no one would be impressed by that. ;)

    ps. Yes I think a touch screen mac is coming but it seriously needs to be a new product not an iMac. Also needs to be much much smaller and lighter like the iMac gets the Air Treatment with say 17 or 20inch screen. No Stand.

    I'm not really sure what the point would be. If you lay a 17 or 20 inch Mac down on your lap, give it a touch screen, and modify the interface so it's more suited to the less precise input of fingers… haven't you just created a bigger iPad? (Not that a bigger iPad wouldn't have it's uses, but it wouldn't be a Mac, and I'd question whether it would warrant yet another 'marketing name'.

    I suppose it's possible, as many presume, that Apple is looking to merge OS X and iOS, but it's never been that convincing of an argument to me. There are some real incompatibilities between the two in my mind. Many OS X apps demand the precision and unrestricted visibility that a keyboard and mouse give you, but once you're using a keyboard and mouse, the display has moved away from your fingers. A vertical display keeps it within reach, but humans just aren't suited to using a vertical touch screen for more than a few minutes, as Steve Jobs has himself remarked.

    If the future were some kind of OS X / iOS hybrid, why did Apple invent iOS in the first place? Why not just go straight for this touchable OS X Nirvana if it exists? I suspect it doesn't exist, and Apple understood that a usable touchscreen interface has a unique set of requirements, benefits and limitations.

    As for what this 'ix.Mac.MarketingName' is, I actually haven't a clue. It's somewhat intriguing though. It's kind of exciting to think that the inventive minds at Apple might be hatching some new kind of device. A little optimistic maybe, but who knows?

    Apr 22, 07:40 AM
    Have you seen the pictures in Nilay Patel's article about the suit (http://thisismynext.com/2011/04/19/apple-sues-samsung-analysis/)? They copied the look of the iPhone, exactly. Hell, they even copied some of the icons -- the Phone icon, the iTunes icon. Why would they make the phone icon a white handset angled up and to the right on a green background if they weren't deliberately trying to make it look like an iPhone?

    If you're Apple, you absolutely have to sue over this. Otherwise you're saying, okay, anybody who wants to can just make a clone that looks exactly like the iPhone. Anyone who owns a valuable brand has to defend it.

    Image (http://thisismynext.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/2011-04-19applesam7.jpg)

    Image (http://thisismynext.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/avsamics2.jpg)

    I hope this post is sarcastic.

    The green angled phone icon!? The angled phone has been standard for phones since forever, it was usually the phone itself that was green, the only thing Apple did was making the background green instead. Very generic. Even the standard position for it, the lower left corner, is simply because that's where a phone answer button is normally located.

    Chat icon? The only likeness I can see is that it uses a speech bubble, which have been a norm for IM applications since long before Apple introduced iChat. Note that Samsung added a smiley-face.

    Nature images and particularly flowers have been a popular motif for photography-related stuff. Camera makers have been using it since the advent of photography.

    Gearwheels for settings and configuration? Everyone have been using it since the birth of the GUI

    Notes and contacts, both trying to look like their real world counterparts, extremely generic

    A music and media related app having a musical note in it's icon, you think Apple came up with that and everyone else just followed? Come on

    Look, Windows Media Player stole iTunes "look and feel", and method of starting playback of media content, sue em' Apple!



    Apr 23, 07:10 PM
    I don't believe this. Why would Apple waste money on a carrier that has just been bought?

    Apr 28, 11:08 PM
    Seriously, why not an Imac with touch-screen right now? Will we need to wait for the next iMac update to see this technology implemented?

    Apple is surely working on it:

    And, besides that, OS X Lion will be 100% focused on touch technology... and we�re not talking about an Ipad OS...

    Are you planning on nursing your iMac in your lap?:rolleyes:

    Jan 27, 09:46 PM
    I like this investment adage:

    "Buy high, sell even higher."

    May 1, 11:42 PM
    Yeah, it's all about one guy who was leader of the bad men. And none of the bad men could think for themselves, and now he's gone, they won't know what to do - and we'll all be happy and safe.
    Sleep well!

    I don't think anyone believes that this will be the end of terrorism. Just like America wouldn't collapse if our President was assassinated. But it would still be a pretty big deal right?

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